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The NCGT Newsletter, the predecessor of the NCGT Journal, was begun as a result of discussions at the symposium “Alternative Theories to Plate Tectonics” held at the 30th International Geological Congress in Beijing in August 1996. The name is taken from an earlier symposium held in association with the 28th International Geological Congress in Washington, D. C. in 1989.  The first issue of the NCGT Newsletter was December 1996. The NCGT Newsletter changed its name in 2013 to the NCGT Journal.

Aims of the NCGT Journal include:

1. Providing an international forum for the open exchange of new ideas and approaches in the fields of geology, geophysics, geoplasma, solar and planetary physics, cosmology, climatology, oceanography, electric universe, and other fields that affect or are closely related to physical processes occurring on Earth from its core to the top of its atmosphere.

2. Forming an organizational focus for creative ideas not fitting readily within the scope of dominant tectonic models.

3. Forming the basis for the reproduction and publication of such work, especially where there has been censorship or discrimination.

4. Create a publication that can serve as an exchange of methods and concepts devoted to the prediction, well in advance, of catastrophic earthquakes. Establish a forum for discussion of such ideas and work which has been inhibited in existing channels.